DFS x JAL Brochure
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DFS x JAL Brochure

This inflight magazine/brochure is designed to promote DFS sales. The brochure stood out among other printed materials inserted into the flight seat pocket because of its unique, roll-folded appearance.


I tried to achieve a balance of variety and uniformity in designing the brochure. The brochure was to be published regularly, so I designed each page with a clear grid system. By doing so, the brochure design has a certain template that any other designer could follow. This is the uniformity. To add variety, I filled the space with glamorous and playful visuals to suit the client, which sells luxury, high-end, merchandise while providing a world-class shopping experience.


The brochure has a luxury or fashion magazine-like feel to it, while conveying information accurately at the same time.


[Done while at Clarence Lee Design.]


DFS Group L.P.

Art Director

Kuni Yamamoto


Etsuko Ono


May 3, 2017


Design, Marketing